Truly a match as old as time. The legendary Saiyan Warrior, Son Goku, vs. Usagi Tsukino, famous high-schooler and part-time magical warrior girl. Many boys and girls have argued as to who would come out on top between these two fighters(?), but luckily for you, dear readers, I have a definitive answer.
To put it simpy, Sailor Moon absolutely solos. She completely dog-walks Goku. Just absolutely folds him. A complete and utter violation. This is coming from a DBZ fan, btw. Dragon Ball is my favorite piece of media, and it always will be. I haven't even watched Sailor Moon before, I've just thought about doing so really hard. I'm telling you all of this because I'm trying to eliminate bias right now. I love Dragon Ball I cannot stress that enough, I know more about the lives of these characters then I do some of the members of my own family. I consider Piccolo to be an older brother, I take this show very seriously.
That being said I literally can't stress it enough that Sailor Moon solos. This little sparkly princess with a special wand and a sick sounding anime OP is going to beat Goku up. I don't care what transformation we're using. Ultra Instict don't matter. I've seen what this woman can do and it frankly freightens me. I think 14 year olds should not have access to such a crazy level of power, what is she even fighting that could be this strong? I mean I know it's basically the evil-incarnate of the universe made manifest, but still. Frankly I don't see why a 14 year old should be trusted with all that. Because me personally I couldn't do all that.
But I digress I'm getting distracted, Sailor Moon solos. I need to give evidence for this fact, but to do so would take far longer than I feel like explaining. I gotta explain power-scaling to you, and that's just half the battle. Then I gotta get my scans out and give all the evidence and yada yada. That's too much, do you care to hear all that???
Look at this panel. This is all the evidence I need to be honest, I'm not sure what else I could provide. She beat up the emodiment of chaos, what's Goku compared to all that? Goku can barely beat his opressor. Goku can barely beat his best buddy. Goku had trouble fighting a heart virus. Bro literally died because of a normal heart virus. Do you think Sailor Moon troubles herself with COVID-19? Yeah I thought not. She wins end of story.
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